After soccer camp this summer, the kids joined local leagues: “Pee Wee” for Innaias and Guinness, and the “big kids” league for Flynn
After soccer camp this summer, the kids joined local leagues: “Pee Wee” for Innaias and Guinness, and the “big kids” league for Flynn
Guinness hangs out in the shade during Innaias’s game
Guinness hangs out in the shade during Innaias’s game
Innaias’s main complaint was that the other kids wouldn’t just let him have the ball all the time
Innaias’s main complaint was that the other kids wouldn’t just let him have the ball all the time
Guinness was very good at getting the ball back when he wanted it ☺
Guinness was very good at getting the ball back when he wanted it ☺
Flynn’s games were at Marymoor Park, and he and Pete often would ride their bikes down to the park for them
Flynn’s games were at Marymoor Park, and he and Pete often would ride their bikes down to the park for them
Some days there was enough time to play a bit before heading over to the fields
Some days there was enough time to play a bit before heading over to the fields
The bags were already full from the farmers’ market this day
The bags were already full from the farmers’ market this day
Flynn and his bike
Flynn and his bike
Relaxing before the game
Relaxing before the game
The team gathers
The team gathers
Practicing ball-handling
Practicing ball-handling
More warming up
More warming up
Flynn gets a header
Flynn gets a header
The team
The team
Taking the photo
Taking the photo