The theme parks the previous days were fun, but of course Peter’s favorite was the air museum in Tillamook | They’ve still got their Mini Guppy parked outside | Debra and the kids look at the Nord 1101 | A better view of the Mini Guppy | “Swede” Ralston’s T-6 Texan | The L-29 Delphin hides behind the PBY-5A Catalina |
Flynn is too happy in front of the Douglas A-26 Invader | After the air museum, of course we had to visit the cheese factory | It’s break-time now, but we were there early enough for the kids to get some nice smiles and waves from the workers | After the cheese, we played on the beach | Haystack Rock | Family portrait |
The kids got buckets and shovels from the hotel | Of course, they found the one big stream of water to play in | The buckets weren’t the only things to wind up in the water | Goodness gracious, Guinness sure is growing up | Peter’s new kite | With the rock |