Visiting Matt at Lake Tahoe
Heading up the shore, for breakfast at Matt’s house
Heading up the shore, for breakfast at Matt’s house
After breakfast (brunch, really), it’s time to play in the snow!
After breakfast (brunch, really), it’s time to play in the snow!
Tahoe had just had a nice big snowstorm, so there was plenty of piles of fresh snow around
Tahoe had just had a nice big snowstorm, so there was plenty of piles of fresh snow around
Which Flynn made full use of
Which Flynn made full use of
Matt getting the plastic sleds he picked up for us
Matt getting the plastic sleds he picked up for us
Guinness tries to see who’s throwing snow at him (it’s the trees)
Guinness tries to see who’s throwing snow at him (it’s the trees)
Joining in
Joining in
Already been elbow-deep in the snow
Already been elbow-deep in the snow
Matt gets into the fray
Matt gets into the fray
We headed out to the forest, just behind Matt’s house
We headed out to the forest, just behind Matt’s house
Kids enjoying the free ride
Kids enjoying the free ride
A friendly Husky caught up with us just as Guinness was getting ready to slide
A friendly Husky caught up with us just as Guinness was getting ready to slide
Flynn, working his way over the starting hump
Flynn, working his way over the starting hump
Flynn staying on track
Flynn staying on track
Guinness takes his turn
Guinness takes his turn
Snow angels in the meadow
Snow angels in the meadow
This was a great place to make tracks, play in the freshly fallen snow
This was a great place to make tracks, play in the freshly fallen snow
Flynn especially had a lot of fun digging around
Flynn especially had a lot of fun digging around
Guinness got worn out though, time to head back
Guinness got worn out though, time to head back
Debra and Flynn make their way back up the hill
Debra and Flynn make their way back up the hill
Walking back
Walking back
Matt’s house
Matt’s house
Guinness helps clear the back deck
Guinness helps clear the back deck
Surely Flynn’s helping with something
Surely Flynn’s helping with something
Debra and Innaias by the toasty wood stove
Debra and Innaias by the toasty wood stove
But under the blanket is better
But under the blanket is better
Flynn and Guinness regaled Matt with all sorts of games
Flynn and Guinness regaled Matt with all sorts of games
They loved having a captive audience
They loved having a captive audience
The next day, Matt had to work, but we met up at the Fire Sign Cafe for breakfast
The next day, Matt had to work, but we met up at the Fire Sign Cafe for breakfast
After breakfast (brunch, really), we headed to Sugar Pine State Park
After breakfast (brunch, really), we headed to Sugar Pine State Park
Playing in the snow while Innaias gets his lunch
Playing in the snow while Innaias gets his lunch
Flynn made a snow fort out of a big snow pile
Flynn made a snow fort out of a big snow pile
Guinness helped
Guinness helped
They both made sure a lot of snow moved around
They both made sure a lot of snow moved around
Once Innaias was done, we headed toward “The Mansion”
Once Innaias was done, we headed toward “The Mansion”
Flynn and Debra have a snowball fight
Flynn and Debra have a snowball fight
Guinness looks on
Guinness looks on
A cheap shot
A cheap shot
Sitting on the snowbank
Sitting on the snowbank
Get a shot with Daddy too! (Yes, that’s lake, mountain, and sky you see behind us through the trees)
Get a shot with Daddy too! (Yes, that’s lake, mountain, and sky you see behind us through the trees)
This wasn’t quite as good for snow angels as the meadow, but it was still pretty good
This wasn’t quite as good for snow angels as the meadow, but it was still pretty good
Guinness’s snow angel
Guinness’s snow angel
Some sugar pine cones…they are BIG
Some sugar pine cones…they are BIG
More playing in the snow
More playing in the snow
This looks like a great sledding hill, if you can stop at the bottom
This looks like a great sledding hill, if you can stop at the bottom
Otherwise, you’ll be very wet and very cold
Otherwise, you’ll be very wet and very cold
Flynn was buried under a Mommy-induced avalanche
Flynn was buried under a Mommy-induced avalanche
Guinness is extremely tired by this point, and having trouble with his hat
Guinness is extremely tired by this point, and having trouble with his hat
The living room area of the Tree House cabin at Tahoma Meadows B&B Cabins
The living room area of the Tree House cabin at Tahoma Meadows B&B Cabins
One last view of the lake, just before we have breakfast with Matt and then continue on to Tucson
One last view of the lake, just before we have breakfast with Matt and then continue on to Tucson