First evening in Tucson | Peapod gets to hold Innaias, while Peter folds washcloths | Toga! No? | Debra and Innaias, zonked out | Story time…pay attention Guinness! | Innaias working on his teeth |
Blowing bubbles on the way to church | Flynn sitting high on his booster seat | The altar, all dressed up for Christmas | The black beans at the Guadalajara Grill are tasty | Mini-golf is becoming a Tucson tradition | This time, it’s Innaias in the stroller while the rest of us play |
Flynn and Guinness watch Granny Dani’s technique | Flynn did quite well…even getting a hole-in-one once | Debra teaches the finer points to Guinness, such as hitting toward the hole | There’s an arcade at the mini-golf place, where Debra and Flynn played a cooperative shooter | Guinness tests one of the games for size | Granny Dani does the bedtime story |
Peaceful Innaias | Super Rainbow Guinness and Super Snowflake Flynn, keeping Tucson safe | Hanging out with Innaias | A sleeping baby is always nice to hold | Peapod and Granny Dani both know | Flynn and Guinness doing construction work in the back yard |
Some sneaky guys under the chair | On the rainbow quilt | Happy baby | Guinness and one of his stacking games | More baby holding | The airplane is from the Pima Air Musem. The runway is completely kid-built. |
Innaias with his new basketball hoop | Hanging out under the tree | The cul-de-sac is a fun place to ride bikes | Flynn and Guinness went in circles | But there was also the driveway to zoom down | Guinness takes the ramp down |
Debra and Innaias, keeping an eye on things | Flynn and Guinness, chasing each other’s tails | Riding the sidewalk | Taking turns on the driveway | Guinness’s turn | Now Flynn’s again |
When it’s too hard to pedal, you need some help | Flynn’s pirate patch drawing | On a different day, Peapod came out to play | All those wheels spinning ’round and ’round | Flynn catching up with Peapod | Guinness and Peapod in formation |