Our Stay in Tucson
Christmas Day
Christmas Day
Loma Verde Trail at the Saguaro National Park East
Loma Verde Trail at the Saguaro National Park East
Reid Park Zoo
Reid Park Zoo
Pima Air & Space Museum
Pima Air & Space Museum
Arizona-Sonara Desert Museum
Arizona-Sonara Desert Museum
First evening in Tucson
First evening in Tucson
Peapod gets to hold Innaias, while Peter folds washcloths
Peapod gets to hold Innaias, while Peter folds washcloths
Toga! No?
Toga! No?
Debra and Innaias, zonked out
Debra and Innaias, zonked out
Story time…pay attention Guinness!
Story time…pay attention Guinness!
Innaias working on his teeth
Innaias working on his teeth
Blowing bubbles on the way to church
Blowing bubbles on the way to church
Flynn sitting high on his booster seat
Flynn sitting high on his booster seat
The altar, all dressed up for Christmas
The altar, all dressed up for Christmas
The black beans at the Guadalajara Grill are tasty
The black beans at the Guadalajara Grill are tasty
Mini-golf is becoming a Tucson tradition
Mini-golf is becoming a Tucson tradition
This time, it’s Innaias in the stroller while the rest of us play
This time, it’s Innaias in the stroller while the rest of us play
Flynn and Guinness watch Granny Dani’s technique
Flynn and Guinness watch Granny Dani’s technique
Flynn did quite well…even getting a hole-in-one once
Flynn did quite well…even getting a hole-in-one once
Debra teaches the finer points to Guinness, such as hitting toward the hole
Debra teaches the finer points to Guinness, such as hitting toward the hole
There’s an arcade at the mini-golf place, where Debra and Flynn played a cooperative shooter
There’s an arcade at the mini-golf place, where Debra and Flynn played a cooperative shooter
Guinness tests one of the games for size
Guinness tests one of the games for size
Granny Dani does the bedtime story
Granny Dani does the bedtime story
Peaceful Innaias
Peaceful Innaias
Super Rainbow Guinness and Super Snowflake Flynn, keeping Tucson safe
Super Rainbow Guinness and Super Snowflake Flynn, keeping Tucson safe
Hanging out with Innaias
Hanging out with Innaias
A sleeping baby is always nice to hold
A sleeping baby is always nice to hold
Peapod and Granny Dani both know
Peapod and Granny Dani both know
Flynn and Guinness doing construction work in the back yard
Flynn and Guinness doing construction work in the back yard
Some sneaky guys under the chair
Some sneaky guys under the chair
On the rainbow quilt
On the rainbow quilt
Happy baby
Happy baby
Guinness and one of his stacking games
Guinness and one of his stacking games
More baby holding
More baby holding
The airplane is from the Pima Air Musem. The runway is completely kid-built.
The airplane is from the Pima Air Musem. The runway is completely kid-built.
Innaias with his new basketball hoop
Innaias with his new basketball hoop
Hanging out under the tree
Hanging out under the tree
The cul-de-sac is a fun place to ride bikes
The cul-de-sac is a fun place to ride bikes
Flynn and Guinness went in circles
Flynn and Guinness went in circles
But there was also the driveway to zoom down
But there was also the driveway to zoom down
Guinness takes the ramp down
Guinness takes the ramp down
Debra and Innaias, keeping an eye on things
Debra and Innaias, keeping an eye on things
Flynn and Guinness, chasing each other’s tails
Flynn and Guinness, chasing each other’s tails
Riding the sidewalk
Riding the sidewalk
Taking turns on the driveway
Taking turns on the driveway
Guinness’s turn
Guinness’s turn
Now Flynn’s again
Now Flynn’s again
When it’s too hard to pedal, you need some help
When it’s too hard to pedal, you need some help
Flynn’s pirate patch drawing
Flynn’s pirate patch drawing
On a different day, Peapod came out to play
On a different day, Peapod came out to play
All those wheels spinning ’round and ’round
All those wheels spinning ’round and ’round
Flynn catching up with Peapod
Flynn catching up with Peapod
Guinness and Peapod in formation
Guinness and Peapod in formation